Genre: Steamy Romance

Echo (The Player Book 3)

by Nana Malone, narrated by Sebastian York, Traci Odom
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Money, power, prestige...freedom. Echo Coulter is - The Player.

You are a Coulter. You will be perfect. That's what Echo has been told every day of her life. As the only girl in the Coulter clan, she knows it's her job to be the glue of the family. But with the Olympics looming, the last thing she wants is to follow the rules. She wants to break free, and she knows just the guy to help her. Cole Atkins has no interest in spoiled little rich girls. Besides, he's got the job of a lifetime and just met the girl of his dreams...that is, until she ditches him under the cover of darkness. He can put her out of his head and deal with a spoiled princess for a couple of months, right?