Genre: Fantasy

Demons Monks and Lovers Lost Tales from Esowon Book 1

by Antoine Bandele, narrated by VonDexter Montegut II, John Rogers, and Nekia Renee
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The first collection in the ongoing series of shorts, novelettes, and novellas compiling fantasy stories from the world of Esowon.

Inside, you'll find dastardly beasts, tortured monks, and unexpected lovers in a set of tales that'll transport you to lands lost to time.

The collection includes:

Last of My Kind

When the war with the humans started, there were hundreds of us. Then it was just me and Father. Now it's just me.

A Servant's Work

Amana has a special gift to see into the future. But one day something goes horribly wrong, something he never foresaw.

Hearts in the Dark

She's a princess. He's a demon. They couldn't be any more wrong for each other. But when they find themselves stuck in a cave together they discover an undeniable connection.

Delve into these companion novellas to The Kishi, an African fantasy based on Angola folklore