Genre: Fantasy

The Shadowy Man (Giaco & Luca Book 1)

by E.P. Clark, narrated by E.P. Clark
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Few men walk into shadow. Fewer walk out.

Giaco, famed battle hero turned bodyguard, is a Reborn man. He believes in reason, harmony, and intellect, and leaves magic for the foolish and superstitious. But when his charge, young Prince Luca, is stolen away, Giaco must set off on a search that will cause him to question everything he knows.

The Rebirth is changing the face of La Città dei Fiori, but the old ways still hold sway, especially in the dark places of the city. In order to get Luca back, Giaco will have to undergo a different kind of Rebirth - one of fear and shadow.

Set in a fantasy version of Renaissance Florence, The Shadowy Man combines magic and mystery in a fast-paced story of suspense that will appeal to fans of dark and historical fantasy, as well as occult and paranormal thrillers. It is the first book in the Giaco and Luca series but can be listened to as a stand-alone.